This is a simple but accurate infographic of “why we need Niacin”.

See more about Niacin on our sister site – Toxno
How much Niacin do I need
Vegan Food Sources of Niacin
Animal Food Sources of Niacin

Most people now know that antioxidants are important. The human body has evolved ways to recycle crucial antioxidants like Vitamin C and Glutathione. Otherwise, we would never keep up with their dietary intake. Niacin is required to help regenerate 3 pivotal antioxidants.

Alcohol and Niacin have an interesting relationship. Too much alcohol intake to often will result in a shift in different versions of NAD and their subsequent ratios.

This change in ratio level, induced by alcohol, can lead to changes in fat metabolism and resultant increased weight gain.


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How much Niacin do I need
Vegan Food Sources of Niacin
Animal Food Sources of Niacin