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Hartmut Günther

/Hartmut Günther

About Hartmut Günther

Hartmut Michael Günther ABN: 58 845 464 564 Business address & Nutrition Medicine Clinic: Suite3, 214 Beardy Street, Armidale, NSW, 2350 Phone: 0439 54 7788 E-Mail: Web: Graduate Diploma with distinction Nutrition Medicine, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia (completed 2010). Extensive research, clinical experience and writing in Nutrition. The involvement of nutrition in many common medical conditions and importantly, the design of effective intervention strategies to attenuate disease progression was gained. The Nutrition Medicine Course was at RMIT University in Melbourne in conjunction with the Australian College of Holistic Medicine (ACHM) in Brisbane. Studied under Professor Dr. Melvyn Sydney-Smith. His details and in-depth background on Nutrition Medicine can be found at B.Sc. Hons Biochemistry, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia (completed 1978) A major in Genetics and Biochemistry, La Trobe University in Melbourne, followed by a Hons research year in biochemistry. Biochemistry forms the basis of understanding nutrition and human metabolism.

About Us

We analyse meals, recipes, and your diet. We reveal holes in nutrient intake using these analyses and point to ways to improve. Optimal nutrition is vital for effective detoxification. We connect nutrients and food in visually innovative ways that help optimise understanding, knowledge and long term health.

By | August 6th, 2016|About Food Synergy|0 Comments

The Food Synergy Energy Calculator

This is a simple yet quite meticulous human daily energy expenditure calculator. Can also be used to measure your BMI and Resting Metabolic Rate or Daily Energy Requirements based on your physical activity. It uses academically recognised MET values (Metabolically Equivalent to Task) to grade different levels of physical activity. Designed by Food Synergy founder [...]

By | August 3rd, 2016|Energy|0 Comments

Nutrient mineral content of white flour versus whole grain and seed pancakes

The following is great information for mothers with young children. In the previous post entitled "Nutrient dense gluten-free crepes", we looked at the mineral content of a very tasty nutrient packed crepe. The analysis was done for a adult women. After trialing these super pancakes on 3 young children and having a great response, I [...]

By | July 19th, 2016|Analyses, Featured Posts, Recipe Analysis|2 Comments

Nutrient dense gluten free crêpes

Very shortly Food Synergy will be offering a comprehensive recipe analysis service. And, with great excitement, we will also provide a full 24-hour or 3-day diet analysis. This has been in the pipeline for several years. State of the art visualisation tools will bring your eating regime into view and most importantly highlight any blindspots [...]

By | July 18th, 2016|Featured Posts, Recipe Analysis|0 Comments

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), Body Mass Index (BMI) and Total Daily Energy Use

A few years ago I developed a little javascript Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and BMI calculator with the help of a great Indian programmer and using data kindly supplied by the Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Center for Physical Activity and Weight Management, University of Kansas Medical Center. It is a fun and [...]

By | July 18th, 2016|Energy|0 Comments

Nutrients important in sugar metabolism, insulin resistance and diabetes

Optimal Nutrition helps prevent Insulin Resistance (IR) and Diabetes When speaking about health and nutrition, we often find it hard to believe that a serious disease like diabetes can be positively influenced by our inner nutrient balance. Key Nutrients Nutrients are now known to play key roles in the prevention, and the minimisation of symptoms [...]

By | July 17th, 2016|Featured Posts, Health|0 Comments

Why we need energy

If you burned sugar or glucose outside of your body in the presence of oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and heat would be produced. That heat is the energy released. When you eat, say a potato, the carbohydrate is digested into glucose, the glucose then absorbed into the blood, carried to cells and also "burned" in [...]

By | July 3rd, 2016|Energy, Featured Posts|0 Comments

Daily energy requirements

Energy is expressed in Kilocalories (Kcal) or Kilojoules (kj). The amount of energy you need per day depends on your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) PLUS the amount of energy you use during physical activity and is often called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure or Requirement (TDEE). The RDI's for energy shown here are population-based average [...]

By | July 2nd, 2016|Energy|0 Comments

What are Calories Part 2

Contrary to what people think, nature has intended us to move and as a result, eat GENEROUSLY. This is so that our bodies can be flooded with essential nutrients. Problems arise when we eat copious foods devoid of nutrients.

By | July 2nd, 2016|Energy|0 Comments

Your own Resting Metabolic Rate revealed using our simple calculator (RMR) Part 2

This is part 2 of Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), Body Mass Index (BMI) and Total Daily Energy Use Even sitting uses energy Your Resting Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy you consume just quietly sitting still. It is calculated here using a formula developed by Mifflin and uses your weight, height, age and gender. [...]

By | July 2nd, 2016|Energy|0 Comments

What are Calories Part 1

What are “Calories” Calories like kilojoules are “units” expressing the energy stored in food. To avoid potential confusion when reading food labels and embarking on exercise campaigns, it is important to understand what these units mean and how they inter-relate. The word energy comes from the ancient Greek work “energeia”, meaning activity or operation. We [...]

By | July 1st, 2016|Energy|0 Comments

Diabetes: Nutrition or Medication

The degree to which Drugs prevent Type 2 diabetes is mediocre in comparison to the effectiveness of diet and life interventions. Diabetes is often thought of as a sugar and insulin disorder with serious side effects if ignored or left untreated. Rarely do we consider that diabetes, like other modern chronic conditions, can be an [...]

By | July 1st, 2016|Health|0 Comments

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – NAD tells us why we need it

This is a simple but accurate infographic of "why we need Niacin". See more about Niacin on our sister site - Toxno How much Niacin do I need Vegan Food Sources of Niacin Animal Food Sources of Niacin Most people now know that antioxidants are important. The human body has evolved ways to recycle crucial [...]

By | June 30th, 2016|Nutrients|Comments Off on Niacin (Vitamin B3) – NAD tells us why we need it

Nutrient analysis of a simple, quick and cheap spaghetti bolognaise

While I don't condone killing and eating cows, a client the other day indicated that they could live on $30 per week and cook a large batch of spaghetti bolognaise and be ok. So as to test the nutritional assumption inherent in this cheap but bold eating plan, I ran a nutrient analysis on this [...]

By | June 30th, 2016|Recipe Analysis|0 Comments

Persimmons deliver abundantly on Copper, Fibre, B6 and Manganese

Persimmons are becoming popular in Australia. Recently tried some from a grower down in Coffs Harbour, NSW and they were a delightful surprise, especially when fully ripe. Astringent versus non-astringent One can grow an old-fashioned astringent variety or one of the newer non-astringent types. According to Maggie Beer from the 2010 Gardening Australia Magazine, "Astringent [...]

By | May 24th, 2016|Food|0 Comments

Cheese, bones and milk

Digestible bones (tinned Sardines and Salmon) are a great source of calcium. Soaking dried corn kernels in lime water makes them absorb calcium. This is sheer nature magic and wisdom combined. In Mexico, corn tortilla is the most widely consumed staple food. The corn dough used for tortilla preparation is traditionally prepared by boiling corn [...]

By | May 13th, 2016|Food|0 Comments

Nutrients in Flaxseed (Linseed)

Both Flaxseed and Chia seed are very rich sources of Omega 3. Flaxseed also contains a generous amount of Thiamin (Vitamin B1).

By | May 13th, 2016|Food|0 Comments

The highs and lows of Iron – Haemochromatosis

Iron is very damaging at high levels, and the presence of iron overload disorders like hemochromatosis or hepatitis C need to be ruled out before embarking on increasing your iron intake. Iron from animal sources is usually better absorbed while concurrent ingestion of Vitamin C dramatically improves iron absorption. Like calcium, iron insufficiency can remain [...]

By | May 11th, 2016|Health|0 Comments

Jackfruit – nutrient list and health benefits

High in vitamin B6. The seeds from ripe fruits are edible, are said to have a milky, sweet taste, and may be boiled, baked, or roasted.

By | May 10th, 2016|Food|0 Comments

Enough calcium to support our mortal frame – RDIs

In conditions of growth or when calcium is low in the diet, a Vitamin D based calcium transport system is activated in the body that in effect increases calcium uptake. This mechanism however can decline with age and menopause in women. Sodium and caffeine can also increase calcium loss while excessive zinc or magnesium (supplements) [...]

By | May 10th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Getting Calcium without dairy

Important considerations About 99% of calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth and amounts to approximately 1200 grams. Modern culture dictates that we need dairy foods to fulfil most of our calcium needs. However a careful study of the whole food profiles that follow, along with calcium absorption and retention mechanisms, will reveal [...]

By | May 9th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Getting iron by eating like a lion

Offal was eaten much more in the past and particularly in Europe. The organs of an animal are very rich in nutrients. Because iron is stored in the liver, liverwurst is a very rich source. Only 30gr of dark chocolate give you nearly 1/5 of your iron needs. Cool. Animal Based Food Sources of [...]

By | May 9th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Cheery Chia seed plants make nutrients while the sun shines

Chia seeds make delicious pancakes. Throw them on the ground with a little water and they grow. Chia is also a decent source of Niacin, which we didn't mention in our Niacin articles. Chia plants taking off For all those humans who don't eat dairy, Chia has a reasonable swag of Calcium. Three [...]

By | May 8th, 2016|Food|0 Comments

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – How much do I need

Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, is the generic name for both nicotinic acid and Nicotinamide (also called niacinamide). While the body can make a very small amount of this nutrient from another amino acid nutrient called tryptophan, the bulk of our Niacin needs must be met from eating vitamin B3 containing foods. The amount [...]

By | May 7th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Vegan Food Sources

These are a few Vegan food sources that contain generous amounts of Niacin. An approximate serving size is shown, and the corresponding amount of this nutrient is shown as a daily percentage of the Recommended Intake for a woman of childbearing age.Men might eat a little more to get the same % while children could [...]

By | May 7th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Why I need it

This is a simple but accurate infographic of why we need Niacin. Most people now know that antioxidants are important. The human body has evolved ways to recycle crucial antioxidants like Vitamin C and Glutathione. Otherwise, we would never keep up with their dietary intake. Niacin is required to help regenerate 3 pivotal antioxidants. Alcohol and Niacin [...]

By | May 4th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Animal Food Sources

These are a few Animal based food sources that contain generous amounts of Niacin. An approximate serving size is shown, and the corresponding amount of this nutrient is shown as a daily percentage of the Recommended Intake for a woman of childbearing age. Men might eat a little more to get the same % while children could [...]

By | May 4th, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments

Nutrition is an underrated part of health care

Nourishing our mortal frame has been on our minds since we acquired the ability to think. What we ate was driven by instinct, trial, and error and raw survival needs. Culture, tribal customs and eventually an agriculture based civilization lead to the imposition of specific eating regimes upon the individual. All this time the more [...]

By | May 2nd, 2016|Health|0 Comments

Jackfruit – health research findings

Jackfruit seeds contains 2 lectins known as jacalin and artocarpin. Jacalin has potential application for evaluation of the immunological status of a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus.

By | May 1st, 2016|Food|0 Comments

Calcium, PTH and Lithium

Calcium along with Magnesium and phosphorus contribute to the mineralisation of bone by entering bone fluid from the blood and subsequently attaching to bone proteins. Peak bone mass occurs in early adulthood with bone mass often beginning to decline in the fifth decade of life. Non-bone calcium in the blood is also vital in muscle [...]

By | April 22nd, 2016|Nutrients|0 Comments