Important considerations About 99% of calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth and amounts to approximately 1200 grams. Modern culture dictates that we need dairy foods to fulfil most of our calcium needs. However a careful study of the whole food profiles that follow, along with calcium absorption and retention mechanisms, will reveal that many foods can contribute substantially to our calcium requirements.
Life stages that demand special cognisance regarding calcium intakes are childhood, young adulthood, and older age. A woman of childbearing age has an RDI of calcium of 1000 mg. The percentages and milligrams amounts below look similar because of the 1000mg value.

Calcium Food Sources – Plant Based
An infant’s entire calcium needs are met by under 3 cups of breast milk per day. Before the age of 3, the same child can start getting significant calcium from tahini, orange juice, mustard greens, kale, and broccoli. Young children also absorb calcium from food much better than adults do. But you do need to make sure both you and your baby are getting enough. Using the government RDI guidelines is a good place to start.
The Costa Ricans figured out that by soaking dried corn in lime water, the corn would increase its calcium content. Through this soaking in lime water, the corn also liberates more Niacin (vitamin B3). When ready follow this link to see the 4 Niacin articles.
Other good non-dairy sources include tofu made with calcium, amaranth, winged beans, tempeh, natto, chia seeds and mineral water.