by Massiel Barros-Torning

As someone who has several medical issues to deal with, I’ve got some key strategies for managing my wellness responsibly.

  • Keep good records
  • Build a good network of complimentary health specialists
  • Stay informed
  • Research

Keep good records – If you need to take regular medication daily, perhaps several medications daily, do you log this down somewhere? Do you know if you did remember to take your meds? Have you ever charted how well your condition is doing?

Well, this is something I started to do years ago, and with the help of technology I’ve become better at keeping track of my progress. I made printable sheets and ticked off each item I take. It does not need to be complicated, but by doing so, you can report to your doctor more effectively and with better accuracy.

Over time, it has given me a better understanding of what is happening with my health. For example, my asthma is better managed. I can now talk to my doctor about reducing medications. But it can also help me understand those weeks when symptoms flare up, too.

Food and Health Diary

Food and Health Diary

Even something like a food diary can help you take better control of your diet, and it provides a way of checking where you can make changes. Keeping notes about your progress or situation will make a difference regarding understanding how to be vigilant, but not hypochondriac. Build a good network of complimentary health specialists.

Recently I’ve been seeing a nutritionist, someone who works with science-based evidence and results. Nutrition has become the key to wellness and learning to manage better my conditions and in some areas to overcome and better control my health. The result is that I went from being incredibly fatigued and unwell, to someone who is making progress and feeling better. I feel more awake, alert, and I finally feel that I am recovering from multiple health conditions.

In my journey towards holistic wellness and embracing self-love, I’ve discovered the power of building a strong support network that includes complimentary health specialists. With the guidance of professionals like Mona Kirstein, Ph.D., who base their practice on science-backed evidence, I’ve witnessed remarkable transformations in my health. This shift has been especially evident in my newfound vitality and energy, marking a significant departure from the days of constant fatigue and illness. Through the insights gained from maintaining meticulous records and diligently tracking my progress, I’ve learned to appreciate the subtle nuances of my well-being. By charting my path to recovery, I’ve not only managed to become more attuned to my body’s needs but also fostered a sense of empowerment and wholeheartedness. This journey is a testament to the remarkable synergy between a proactive approach, expert guidance, and the nurturing of self-love.

Because we are all different, it is essential that in some areas we need to determine what best suits our needs. I have tried several mainstream apps and eating plans. Recently I discovered that by working with a specialist nutritionist, using scientific analysis of my results and blood work, my needs are finally being met.

My doctor supports my nutritionist. My doctor, exercise physiologist and nutritionist work as a team. This team approach has made all the difference. Together they have allowed me to have a unique and specialised plan for my wellbeing and health management.

Aircraft Rescue Firefighting training - By Manuel F. Guerrero, U.S. Marine Corps [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Working as a Team – By Manuel F. Guerrero, U.S. Marine Corps [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Stay informed – ask questions, read, search for information and aim to get questions answered by health professionals you trust. Often people like to share their experiences, but be aware that everyone’s situation is different and when in doubt see someone qualified, experienced.

Research – there are organisations for most medical conditions or situations. For example Asthma, Apnoea, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, and Diverticulitis to name a few. You can find great information and ongoing trials about these subjects. Social media has allowed for many closed groups to exist, where you can share comments from around the online community.

The better informed you are, the better a discussion you can have with your doctor or specialist team.
What is your suggestion for better health management?

by Massiel Barros-Torning