Lab tests and nutrient status
Nutrients keep the body humming along and many acts as cofactors for life-sustaining multi-enzyme pathways within our bodies. Toxins, at high enough levels, might be thought of as anti-nutrients because often they block these crucial enzyme pathways. Nutrition & Medicine use simple non-invasive laboratory tests to establish nutrient and toxin levels in your body. The Medicare system rebates some tests.
People often ask – “are tests available that can tell me if I am getting enough vitamins and minerals.” Often, sub-optimal intake and subsequent low body levels of an essential nutrient don’t produce overt physical signs, or even symptoms, at least in the short term. However, left undetected, long term damage or disrupting symptoms can result.
For example, insufficient calcium or vitamin D intake will not demonstrate outward problem signs, yet years later and particularly for women, a slow, silent, insidious erosion of bone has occurred (osteoporosis). This is in some cases preventable.

Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Domestic Operations Branch. Bureau of Special Services. (03/09/1943 – 09/15/1945) –
Simple blood or urine tests can now help identify levels of iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12 and electrolytes like potassium and sodium along with fats, glucose and importantly – protein status. (Available from any local pathology lab)
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