Chia seeds make delicious pancakes. Throw them on the ground with a little water and they grow. Chia is also a decent source of Niacin, which we didn’t mention in our Niacin articles.

Chia plants taking off
For all those humans who don’t eat dairy, Chia has a reasonable swag of Calcium. Three tablespoons of these little South American seeds provide about 1/5 of the daily requirement of Calcium in addition to Tryptophan – an amino acid precursor of the neurotransmitter – Serotonin.

Chia plants just starting
The main bulk of the carbohydrate in Chia seed – about 11 grams – is in the form of Fibre. In the same fashion and equally beneficial, most of the Fat is an Omega 3 fat poly. (No, not a UK politician, rather a beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acid.