

Image Credit: ISS024-E-014263 (11 Sept. 2010) — NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Expedition 24 flight engineer, looks through a window in the Cupola of the International Space Station. A blue and white part of Earth and the blackness of space are visible through the windows.

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The Food Synergy Energy Calculator

This is a simple yet quite meticulous human daily energy expenditure calculator. Can also be used to measure your BMI and Resting Metabolic Rate or Daily Energy Requirements based on your physical activity. It uses [...]

Why we need energy

If you burned sugar or glucose outside of your body in the presence of oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and heat would be produced. That heat is the energy released. When you eat, say a potato, [...]

Daily energy requirements

Energy is expressed in Kilocalories (Kcal) or Kilojoules (kj). The amount of energy you need per day depends on your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) PLUS the amount of energy you use during physical activity and [...]

What are Calories Part 2

Contrary to what people think, nature has intended us to move and as a result, eat GENEROUSLY. This is so that our bodies can be flooded with essential nutrients. Problems arise when we eat copious foods devoid of nutrients.

What are Calories Part 1

What are “Calories” Calories like kilojoules are “units” expressing the energy stored in food. To avoid potential confusion when reading food labels and embarking on exercise campaigns, it is important to understand what these units [...]


Nutrient dense gluten free crêpes

Very shortly Food Synergy will be offering a comprehensive recipe analysis service. And, with great excitement, we will also provide a full 24-hour or 3-day diet analysis. This has been in the pipeline for several [...]

Health Articles

Diabetes: Nutrition or Medication

The degree to which Drugs prevent Type 2 diabetes is mediocre in comparison to the effectiveness of diet and life interventions. Diabetes is often thought of as a sugar and insulin disorder with serious side [...]

Get body nutrient levels tested

Lab tests and nutrient status Nutrients keep the body humming along and many acts as cofactors for life-sustaining multi-enzyme pathways within our bodies. Toxins, at high enough levels, might be thought of as anti-nutrients because [...]

Responsible Wellness Management

by Massiel Barros-Torning As someone who has several medical issues to deal with, I’ve got some key strategies for managing my wellness responsibly. Keep good records Build a good network of complimentary health specialists Stay informed [...]

Nutrition for the Sedentary Part 1

How can sitters be as healthy as possible using the knowledge tools of Nutrition, Lifestyle and Eating behaviors? Here are some topics that will be covered. The 3 o’clock CRASH and the Energy Roller Coaster [...]

Nutrition for Students Part 2

The brain Your brain. And in some ways a no-brainer that this organ serves an important function during a brain-expanding learning year. So let’s optimise it using food, knowledge of nutrients and what’s available in [...]

Nutrition for Students – Part 1

Welcome all Students What do students rely on substantially to be successful in their studies and how can this be best supported via Nutrition, Lifestyle and Eating behaviors and knowledge? Your Primary Asset The brain. [...]

Nutrition for the Sedentary Part 2

Who are sitters in any case? Adults with a mobility disability, those recovering from trauma or accident, older sedentary adults, those of us with oodles sedentary leisure time, those of us abducted daily by the [...]


Getting Calcium without dairy

Important considerations About 99% of calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth and amounts to approximately 1200 grams. Modern culture dictates that we need dairy foods to fulfil most of our calcium needs. [...]

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Why I need it

This is a simple but accurate infographic of why we need Niacin. Most people now know that antioxidants are important. The human body has evolved ways to recycle crucial antioxidants like Vitamin C and Glutathione. [...]

Calcium, PTH and Lithium

Calcium along with Magnesium and phosphorus contribute to the mineralisation of bone by entering bone fluid from the blood and subsequently attaching to bone proteins. Peak bone mass occurs in early adulthood with bone mass [...]


Cheese, bones and milk

Digestible bones (tinned Sardines and Salmon) are a great source of calcium. Soaking dried corn kernels in lime water makes them absorb calcium. This is sheer nature magic and wisdom combined. In Mexico, corn tortilla [...]

Jackfruit – health research findings

Jackfruit seeds contains 2 lectins known as jacalin and artocarpin. Jacalin has potential application for evaluation of the immunological status of a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus.

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