Getting your diet analysed is quick and simple. We offer a 24hr diet recall or a more comprehensive 3-day analysis.
Send in your diet data via
Picture on Phone – our number is 0439 54 7788 in Australia (61 4 39 54 7788 if overseas)
FAX: 02 6526 2123
EMAIL: Analysis at Food Synergy
Snail mail: Food Synergy, 214 Beardy Street, Armidale, 2350, NSW, Australia
The 24-hour food recall method simply means you recall everything you ate and drank over the last 24 hours and write it down. You will need to include quantities. Using things like a cup full, teaspoon full or 3 X tablespoons or even a pinch of salt is fine – we will convert it to grams for the analysis. If however, you know the weight, even better.
For premade or takeaway food like a pie or casserole, lasagne or soup for instance, please include ingredients used to make the dish and approximate weight of the items in your serving.
To get the ball rolling here are some examples of how people are getting their 24hr recall information into us.
The whole emphasis is on keeping it simple and just sending it in. Otherwise, we would never do it and would not really know if there are any holes in our eating regime when it comes to optimal nutrient sufficiency.
Here are three examples of different ways people are sending their data in. They include writing it down on the back of an envelope or napkin, using our form or meticulously weighing each food item and recording it on a word document.
We charge $33.50 for the 24hr recall analysis and $87.50 for the 3-day diet analysis.
You don’t pay until we have received your data and verified that we are on the same page.
Example 1
This example was supplied on a word document. See the full write-up and analysis.
Breakfast green tea 350 ml
water 750 ml (before lunch)
Lunch chilli beans: 145g red kidney beans, 50g tinned tom., 10g onions.
Red cabbage 69g
Avocado 108g
Tomato 159g
Sauerkraut 60g
Almonds 15g
Pumpkin seeds 15g
Prunes 17g
Hibiscus tea 250ml
Water 250ml
Pomelo 80g
Cocao drink 250 ml: 7g coconut oil; 3g cacao powder raw; Stevia tiny amount (no calories)
Dinner Quorn pieces 150g (per 100g: 405 kj; 14.8g Prot., 1.9 Fat, 1.3 Carb, sugar<1g, fibre 7.6g, Na 197mg)
Silver beet, kale, beetroot leaves 117g
Celery 45g
Cauli 67g
Mushrooms 47g
Garlic 3g
Tamari 7ml
Wine vinegar 7ml
Linseed mix: 45g linseed; 25g chia; 7g psyllium
Blue berries 9g
Kiwi fruit 49g
Apple, pink lady 46
Youghurt , biodynamic whole milk 122
Tomato drink: 45g organic tom paste; 250ml water
Example 2

24hr recall 1
See full analysis and article for this recall. This person also had his water tested.
Example 3

And here is the Full analysis and article for this person’s 24hr recall. We also looked at his energy expenditure with the Food Synergy BMI and RMR Calculator.
Send in your diet data via
Picture on Phone – our number is 0439 54 7788 in Australia (61 4 39 54 7788 if overseas)
FAX: 02 6526 2123
EMAIL: Analysis at Food Synergy
Snail mail: Food Synergy, 214 Beardy Street, Armidale, 2350, NSW, Australia
That looks a good service, Hartmut. Is the analysis done on the actual food, or is it a ball park of what ” the average ” is for that type of food? I am particularly interested in the various nutrient densities of food grown under different systems.
Thanks for the comment Richard. I will send you a detailed email to answer your question.