We analyse meals, recipes, and your diet. We reveal holes in nutrient intake using these analyses and point to ways to improve. Optimal nutrition is vital for effective detoxification. We connect nutrients and food in visually innovative ways that help optimise understanding…

Founder: Hartmut Michael Gunther
Hartmut’s Qualifications
Graduate Diploma with distinction Nutrition Medicine, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. Extensive research, clinical experience and writing in nutrition, human metabolism and toxicology.
“Nutrition Medicine is a combined medical-nutritional approach based on an evolving scientific framework that views physiological and biochemical disturbance as a prime causal factor in the development and progression of disease.”
Studied under Professor Dr Melvyn A Sydney-Smith KGSJ. MBBS. PhD. and his details and in-depth background on Nutrition Medicine can be found at nutritionmedicine.org
B.Sc. Hons Biochemistry, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. A major in Genetics and Biochemistry, La Trobe University in Melbourne, followed by a Hons research year in biochemistry. Biochemistry is at the core of nutrition and human metabolism. It also forms the basis of understanding toxicology and diseases like cancer, diabetes, and endocrine (hormone) disruption.
Business Names
- Toxno, Toxtest and Food Synergy
- Australia ABN: 58 845 464 564
- Address: Suite 3, 214 Beardy Street, Armidale, 2350, NSW, Australia
- FAX: (61) 2 6526 2123
- PH: (61) 4 39 54 7788
Toxno, Toxtest and Food Synergy are all initiatives of founder, Hartmut Günther
Even though they are separate businesses and websites, they interlink to provide a seamless, synergistic and meaningful experience.
The Food Synergy project has been in the pipeline for about 5 years. After completing a Graduate Diploma in Nutrition Medicine, I wanted to apply what I had learned in the best evidenced based way possible and reach people who otherwise might not know the importance or subtleties of nutrition in life.
If we really embraced the saying “food is our medicine”, then how profoundly could that entwining positively influence our lives?
With the help of the government and scientific research, much information is now available that shows us the essential nutrients we need and approximately in what quantity. But in addition to the known fifty or so essential nutrients that we are advised to get in our diet, there are literally thousands more in one piece of whole food.
This combination of knowledge of Recommended Daily or Dietary Intakes (RDI’s) with the eating of a piece of whole-food, serves as a vehicle for us to get many yet unexplored contingent nutrients that can have far-reaching effects on long-term health and possible disease attenuation.
Food Synergy links seamlessly with our brother project Toxno. This way anti-nutrients can also be seen on the radar.
We analyse meals, recipes, and your diet using an evidence-based 24hr recall or an extensive 3-day diet analysis for those who want to know for sure which important nutrients they may not be getting enough of. We reveal holes in nutrient intake using these analyses and point to ways to improve.
Optimal nutrition is vital for effective detoxification, immune function, best possible brain ability, consistent energy levels and for nurturing and expectant mothers and growing children.
We connect nutrients and food in visually innovative ways that help optimise understanding, knowledge and long term health.
Toxtest provides the means to test for toxic chemicals in your body, drinking water (plus irrigation and livestock water), soil, compost, ash, plants, food and other mediums. We collaborate with the world-class Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) at the Southern Cross University in Lismore, NSW, Australia.
We then visualise your results, publish them online and compare them with other people’s results (without your details of course). This is innovative and clients get much more from their results using this approach.
Toxno draws on large publicly available datasets to communicate toxic chemical dangers due to low dose exposures in everyday life.
This is complemented by a series of deep investigations into outdated practices, insidious accumulation of toxic chemicals in humans, animals and the environment and downright deception about the harm this causes.
There are 25,000 substance profiles on Toxno, all searchable and many show health related information. There are lists of chemicals grouped into meaningful categories like – substances known to cause cancer or all authorised pesticides in Australia and many more.
If you would like to work with or for Toxno, contribute articles, data or expertise, sponsor or help fund an investigation or blow a whistle, you can contact Hartmut directly.
We are drawing upon images from the Master Artist Painters during our Pesticide Investigation Series. This is to help counteract the sometimes infuriating, often disturbing and at times downright depressing nature of the situation we currently find ourselves in regarding pesticide use on the planet.
These artists in their lives have witnessed the majestic beauty of the natural world and its inhabitants. They looked deeply into the colours, textures, and life around them and in so doing left these gifts for us today. Their legacy serves as a baton for us to take hold of and to make the best of our world and not contaminate it for our children and those to come.
Please note that the Museums that host these artworks and supply these images do not endorse or sponsor in any way the work and content at Toxno.
As other people come on board their details will be shown here.
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