Energy Calories Stored in Foods
Ten grams of cream has a lot more contained energy than 10 grams of strawberries. Similarly, 50 grams of steamed potato has a lot less stored Calories than 50 grams of peanuts. The most important energy storage substances in foods are Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat. Of these Fat is the most efficient fuel storage system. One gram of Protein or Carbohydrate potentially holds 4 Calories (17kj) while the same weight of Fat is a repository of 9 Calories (37kj). More than twice as much.
Energy Calories stored in our bodies
Our body has short and long term repositories of energy. Small short term energy reserves are found in our liver and muscles as glycogen — a form of carbohydrate. Our muscles, which are mostly Protein, are also long-term energy storage. However, this is a bank you DON’T want to withdraw from.
Now the kicker. Daily excess energy intake, if not used, is filed away as adipose tissue — yes that’s fat. It is ARCHIVED for later retrieval. This is not really a “bad” thing. Actually, it is a survival mechanism. What is “bad” is not giving the body enough nutrients it needs for all indispensable metabolic liveliness.
Why do I still “feel” tired after eating lots of Calories.
This question requires a little understanding of what goes on at the cellular level in our body.
Alternatively, we all know how this works purely through experience. The food we eat is digested, absorbed, broken down further by enzyme interactions, transported around the body, actively moved into cells, combined with oxygen from our breath and TEMPORARILY stored as an energy cash currency called ATP.
If the body does not have ready access to constant flows and reserves of this cash, EVERYTHING slows down. The cellular enzyme cycles that generate this energy currency need NUTRIENTS to turn.
We can also feel tired after eating because of what goes on in our brain. Substances released during food digestion interact with what is called the blood-brain-barrier (BBB). Alterations in this BBB can dramatically effect our PERCEIVED energy levels.
Other factors that effect this BBB are alcohol, infection, chronic illness and exposure to any toxins. Its natural to want to rest during the day after eating. Old saying: After lunch rest awhile, after dinner walk a mile.
While our cells are dealing in calories and kilojoules, we and our brains use feelings, thoughts and emotions as the currency for the perception of our energy levels. However, our perceived energy level is intertwined with and influenced by the QUALITY of our feelings and thoughts.
Contrary to what people think, nature has intended us to move and as a result, eat GENEROUSLY. This is so that our bodies can be flooded with essential nutrients. Problems arise when we eat copious foods devoid of nutrients.
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